5 Attributes of Millennials

In an effort to push back against the negative generalizations of Millennials, I have developed this list of 5 attributes that I think are noteworthy.

1.  Connected

As if this needs an explanation.  We live in a time of instant communication.  Emails, status updates, tweets, text messages, likes, pokes etc. all instantly pop up as a notification on our conveniently pocket sized computer/phone.  At any point in the day we can check on stocks, the news and a variety of social media platforms.  We know what are friends are up to, who the Redskins lost to and what’s happening in the Middle East.  Our twitter feeds are updating so fast that we can’t keep up.

2.  Informed

This goes hand in hand with being connected.  The internet has given us a host of information, albeit some of it useless.  Never are we left wondering.  The other day a friend and I were discussing the Navy Seals (we had just watched Lone Survivor) and we were trying to remember how they originated.  After five minutes of racking our brains we remembered the magic of Google.  We’re never left in the unknown!  I sometimes get lost in wikipedia spirals.  Link after link after link after link.  It’s brilliant.

3.  Open to Change

Millennials are generally open to change.  Perhaps this is because we are aware of the need to change.  Climate change, violence and inequality are the realities of our time.  Maintaining the status-quo is no longer an option.  It’s time we start thinking and acting differently.  Like the original “Great” generation, we are faced with seemingly insurmountable problems.  Change has become a way of life.

4.  Persistent

Because change is necessary, Millennials tend to be unwavering in their resolve.  This is evident in social movements.  Online communities serve as the focal point.  Social media seems to breed a subconscious support for a variety of causes.  It’s hard to quite a movement when there are millions of people egging each other on.  The March on Wall-Street is a prime example.  The movement lasted for months and found momentum via social media.

5.  People Oriented

Millennials seem to be embracing a different way of living all together.  Love and happiness are what we strive for and each of these revolve around people.  There are so many ways to live this out.  Farming, business, law, politics and religion are all spheres of life in which people interact.  They’re all necessary and some of them need to rediscover the humanity for which they were created to serve.

How would you describe Millennials?


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