The Power of Storytelling

A few weeks back I attended a conference at American University title Media that Matters.  It took place over the course of two days and covered a variety of topics, for more information see their website here.  During this conference I attended a workshop put on by Felicia Pride and she introduced me to the concept of participatory storytelling.  Has an active ring to it doesn’t it?  Now most of the folks attending this conference were film producers whose main objective was to bring awareness to a variety of social issues.  I was amazed at innovative these people were!  As I listened to the presentations I kept hearing the same message, get your audience involved!

We live in an age of information and our access to that information is incredible.  Just a few decades ago, major corporations and government agencies had control over everything.  Copyright laws ensured that they maintained this level of prestige, but the world has changed.  Check out this video by Henry Jenkins, Ph.D. Comparative Media Studies, MIT.

Crazy right?  We all have a voice!

As Millennials we face a host of societal problems.  Climate change, terrorism, government/corporate/financial corruption, injustice, a busting food industry and the list goes on.  The problem is most folks are completely unaware!  The good news?  Technology has equipped us with the tools necessary to make a difference.  A documentary title Food Inc dramatically changed how I view the food industry and it’s even led to some changes in my own life.  Here’s the trailer.

If you haven’t seen it I would encourage to watch the film in its entirety.  I believe its available on Netflix.

Perhaps you have not found something your passionate about.  Not to worry, there is still plenty of time.  My advice, education!  And I’m not referring to college!  Although college is a great thing.  Watch documentaries and youtube videos, read blogs, engage people on twitter!  There is no limit to what you can find!

Until next time,

Stay connected!

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