
First my name is Josh, and I’m a millennial.  Millennials, also know as Geneation Y or the “Me Generation”, consist of anyone who was born from 1981-2000.  Unfortunately, we have gained a reputation for being lazy, narcissistic and entitled.

The Me Me Me Generation

We’re also “addicted” to technology.  Always striving after the latest gadgets and toys.  The internet and social media has given us a platform to share (and brag) about….well…ourselves.  But is that all we use it for?  Or does it serve some other purpose?  A good one perhaps?

This blog will focus on millennials and their interactions with the internet, specifically creative culture.  When I say creative culture I am referring to an online global community that promotes the sharing and utilization of research and knowledge.  This “sharing” is at the root of mass media and social movements.  It empowers people by giving them a voice and the ability to access an enormous amount of information.  It promotes problem solving and critical thinking.  But how far does this go?  Has creative culture primed millennials to deal with climate change, terrorism, corporate/financial corruption, along with a laundry list of other problems we face as a world?  I believe it has and the goal of my blog is to engage and inspire other millennials by documenting and reporting on some of our greatest peers.

I also want this to be a dialogue.  So please…..speak up!

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